Google Adsense is the best and most reliable way to monetize your website or blog. Adsense Team is trying to maintain its quality day by day and thus the Adsense Account Approval Process is also getting difficult day by day. Adsense Terms & Conditions are really strict to be followed, and if someone's not following it properly, there's no chance he/ she can get into Adsense Network. Most of the time I've seen Bloggers and Website owners crying and shouting for their Adsense accounts not getting approved by Google Adsense so they become hopeless.
What to Do When Google Disapprove Your Adsense Account Request?
Most of the times when someone's account has been disapproved by Google Adsense, its a really irritating and disappointing time for the bloggers and there are fair enough chances that the bloggers quit blogging because they are not getting their Adsense Account Approved after several times of resubmitting their Application.
Here I want to clear the two terms of Adsnese Accounts:
- Account Disapproved
- Account Banned
Account Disapproved:
When ever you apply for a new Adsense Account and it Google rejects your application, thats called Account Disapproved. Google will mention the reason for disapproving your account. Disapproved account can be resubmitted after removing all objections mentioned by google in Disapproval Email.
Account Banned:
When you violate any of Google Adsense Terms & Conditions, Google Adsense will stop surfing ads on your website or blogs. In this case, most of the time you won't be able to get your account back and wont be able to use the same name when applying for new Adsense Account.
Be Patient While Your Account Has Been Disapproved For Any Reason
Adsense mostly based on the Advertisers from Adwords. Google needs more Publishers to surf Adwords campaigns on Publishers website, yet they require only quality websites and blogs to surf their ads. For this purpose, Google Adsense only approve quality content website. This is the biggest reason why Google Adsense requires a website or blog atleaset 6 months old. Because 6 months are enough for any blogger to improve and learn how to improve their blogs, gettings fair amount of traffic and getting more content to their website.s
Don't Resubmit Your Application Quickly
Whenever your application has been rejected by Google Adsense, just DON'T resubmit your application again too quickly. Google Adsense always mentions the reason why they are rejecting your Adsense Application. i.e Insufficient Content etc. So, in order t get your account approved by Google Adsense, you should work really hard to remove those objections and then resubmit your application.
The main thing is to point out what Google Adsense Team is addressing you, what's the reason why they thing that your blog or website is not good enough to surf Adsense Ads on your blog. Then you should go for the solution. Google Adsense has posted everything in their guidelines, so if you follow them, you'll be amazed to see how easy is to get your account approved by Google Adsense.
Modify Theme Of Your Blog or Website
Most of the time I've seen new bloggers creates new blogs, adds few posts and adds lots of different ads on their websites. Believe me, this is the most common reason for not getting your Adsense account approved. First impression is the last impression, Google never approves Adsense Accounts for the websites or blogs that are only designed specially to surf advertisements including Google Adsense itself. So don't be silly, use a very clean and clear theme, Don't use any advertisement program on your website until your account has been approved by Google Adsense.
Read Google Adsense TOS and Compare Your Blog/ Website With Them
Once you're satisfy that you've removed all of the objections mentioned by Google Adsense in their Account Disapproval email, you should read and compare your website with their Guidelines once again for the last time before resubmitting your application.
Resubmit Your Application
Well at this stage, you should resubmit your application for the review, and your account will be approved if there're no more lacs left in your blog or website. Application resubmission form link can be found in the Account Disapproval email. Another trick is to use custom domain for your blog if you're using Blogger, use Google Apps for that custom domain and apply with your custom email address and probably you'll get your account approved by Google Adsense.
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