Google Adsense is the most favourite, high CPC and trusted way to monetize your website or blog. Recently Google Adsense has changed their policy for Account Approval for Host Partnered Websites. Getting a Google Adsense Account is now not that easy as it was in the past unless your website or blog has a very unique and quality content.
New Process of Adsense Account Approval Via Host Partnered Sites
Some times ago, there was a really easy trick to get Adsense Accounts approved, all you have to do was to register an account on 3rd Party websites like Flixya, Hubpages, Blogger, WebAnswers etc. Then apply for Adsense Account and Adsense used to approve those account immediately. But 90% of Adsense Accounts were being miss used, sold and used on low quality and spam websites, thus Google was loosing their Adwords reputation.
Last week, Google has announced that they've changed the policies for the account that were being approved from 3rd party sites and want to use those account on their Self Hosted websites. Now if you want to use your 3rd party Approved Adsense account on your own self hosted website, you must have to take permission from Google before using your Adsense codes on your website.
This process is same as applying for new Adsense Account normally, but this will prevent the Adsense Account being abused and thus Google Adsense will be more reliable and trusted PPC services. This is a very intelligent move by Google Adsense Team.
Once you're interested to your a Non Partnered Domain on a 3rd Party Approved Account, Go to Account Settings > Access & Authorization Section click Edit "Only host sites are allowed to show ads for your account". Enter you new domain here, Now click on Submit Button and you should now implement your ads on that domain now.
Now Google Adsense Team will review your site, and will approve/ disapprove your new website. This new process is only for the accounts that are approved by using any Host Partnered websites like Blogspot, Hubpages, webmasters and docstoc etc. This process won;t effect the existing account that are being used by users.
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